High School Competitive League



The High School Competitive League (Comp League) is brand new!

This AAU sanctioned league will offer an opportunity for high school players  who are not playing on their high school teams to still play organized basketball, improve their skills, and have fun.


JAN 7 - MAR 3

Northern Colorado area high school gyms

Fort Collins, Windsor, and Loveland


High School Varsity Boys (11-12th grades)

High School Varsity Girls (11-12th grades)

Sub-Varsity Boys (9-10th grades)

Sub-Varsity Girls (9-10th grades)


8 Games - 2 games every other Sunday

Boys - JAN 7, 21, FEB 4, 18 (est. 9am -12pm)

Girls - JAN 14, 28, FEB 11, 26 (est. 9am -12pm)



Boys - DEC 17, JAN 14, 28, FEB 11, 25 (9 - 11am)

Girls - DEC 17, JAN 7, 21, FEB 4, 18 (9 -11 am)

Practices will be coordinated as developmental skills-driven, while implementing team concepts.

Coaches are professional basketball trainers throughout the region who will work with the individual players and teams on fundamentals, and team concepts.



All players must wear black shorts (bring their own) and will be assigned a reversible uniform

All state sanctioned high school officials assigned for games by Lloyd Martinez and Bruce Bird from the Northern Colorado Officials Association (NCOA)


Players involved in the league will be offered discounted training packages by the coaches involved in the program. This is a great opportunity to get personalized attention throughout the entire season to improve your game!


Includes all practice court rental, insurance, game court rental, officials, coaches, and program/league management fee


Free Agency - players will register individually and will be drafted to a team.

Teams will consist of a minimum of 8 players to ensure availability for all game schedules.

Players can request to be on the same team as another. We will do our best to honor those requests.
